Thursday, July 14, 2016

Thou shalt be called a seer, a translator, a prophet, an apostle of Jesus Christ

Miguel Tinoco
Professor: Elohim
School of the Prophets
Divinity 777 

Zion  and Jerusalem, 8 of Tamuz 5776

Miguel Angel Tinoco Rodriguez: Seer, Translator, Prophet and Apostle of Jesus Christ, an elder of the church through the will of God the Father, and the grace of your Lord Jesus Christ.

Professor Marlin Barlow
Zion and Jerusalem, 11 July 2016

        Behold, there shall be a record kept among you; and in it thou shalt be called a seer, a translator, a prophet, an apostle of Jesus Christ, an elder of the church through the will of God the Father, and the grace of your Lord Jesus Christ,

To Riot or Not to Riot 
Men of sober character often see truth in different lights. Regardless of race, sect, party, religion or denomination we often face social, civil, political and even criminal issues that make our world undesirable. It is therefore unavoidable that offenses, injustices and grievances may come to vex our souls from various sectors of our society as a result of prejudiced, denominated o marginal status.   As activists for social justice, and as truth seekers, we encounter soul vexing issues that sooner or later some of us would like to change, ameliorate, mitigate, eliminate or even from which we wish to emancipate.  One common tool activists use is to protests by occupying main street USA.  The problem these groups face is that they cannot control staining their garments and hands with the blood and sins of this generation when peaceful public protests escalate to uproars that may end in full blown anarchy.
Juan Thompson, a prominent journalist, eloquently voiced his forceful claims from the comfort of his desks. In his colorful article titled "Americans Must Continue Protesting Police Brutality,"(Thomson) he argues that despite the despicable murders to unsuspecting law enforcement officials, Americans should keep remonstrating against police brutality. However, he omits that the heinous crimes he mentions in his articles were also committed against the people and against the state. Most people in America don’t take the streets to demonstrate.  However, to protest even with rigor is the natural things to do, but only if it is done the proper way; or as the law provides for it by those Americans that have been directly affected by police brutality, not as an unrestrained mobocracy which has the potential to destabilize the whole country.  As my brother’s keeper, I have no problem promoting and assisting Thomson’s claims as long as they come and go as periodical articles, or as a formal or retard and informal letters; or as an official petition for redress of grievances to the pertinent authorities by following the legal instances as the moral character of law and of the people dictates, supports and satisfactorily requires.  As long as the cause is just, or even if the activist or affected party proves to be an annoyer and a disturber to any judge, governor, president, or even to God, he or she cannot be ignored forever. Otherwise, it would be to support iniquity.
            Agreeing with Thompson, we cannot bring back the dead, but we can still vigorously defend what we still have left.  Constitutional rights and freedoms are very important to many Americans even at the expense of rivers of bloodshed. It costs precious treasure and blood to defend and to protect our liberty at home or abroad. Thomson is a brave man. It appears that violence in the streets of America does not make him feel spells of sweat chilling his spine; nor does the bloodshed of his peers and our police officers appear to stand the hairs of his arms. In sum, he believes that Blacks are entitled to protest, arguing that America's police officers have a well-established history of such racial and brutal abuses against them.  However, before jumping the bandwagon, we should detect hasted generalization or fallacies in Thomson’s claims or arguments. It is not only ludicrous but untruthful to implicate all the police officers of America for the heinous acts of a few rogues.  Another fallacy of his argument is that he stresses principally that Black Lives Matter. He rolled his loaded dice by ignoring that Blacks are just one of several other minorities in our country facing social or racial issues.  He undermines the very lives of our most hated and yet our finest minority, even our police officers, whose despicable crime is enforcing and upholding the law. 
Perhaps experts can give us a better understanding of activism enterprises for more assertive results.  In an article titled, “The Legitimacy of Protest: Explaining White Southerners' Attitudes Toward the Civil Rights Movement.” (Andrews, Kenneth T., Kraig Beyerlein, and Tuneka Tucker Farnum), the legality of protests and the protesting behavior of the American South is discussed.  The researchers concentrate in the logistics, the conglomerate, the attendance, the context; and they even explore plausibly, the efficacy and inefficacy certain attitudes of protesters in the deep south.  In the capacity of behavioral data collectors and trend analysts, they look at the issue in question materialistically as a trade-off or as an enterprise tool for revolutionary change that activist use or abuse it to achieve their goals. And yet in another opposing views article titled: "The use of Disruptive Tactics in Protest as a Trade-off: The role of social Movement Claims,"(Wang, Dan J., and Alessandro Piazza.) scientists theorize how some calculating activist groups with narrowly articulated objectives utilize unruly and even riotous maneuvers to attain their revolutionary means.  While activist groups who allege a broader spectrum or general issues tend to use more lenient protesting strategies aiming to exclude seething up the masses to violence.  It is interesting to note, that they use quite an extensive database to scientifically establish their claims.  “With data on over 23,000 protest events in the United States between 1960 and 1995…We discuss the implications of our results for social movement theory and the dynamics of collective violence.” (Wang, Dan J., and Alessandro Piazza.)    However, in all things being equal, data alone cannot reason on its own without experimentation. At the end, when all is said and done, the fear of terror, blood poured as dust, hate, money, numbers, rhetorical speeches, songs of valor, soothing or apocalyptic poems, corpses dumped as dung and coffins of patriots and tyrants filled with dry bones don’t add up.   Well-intended articles only circle the issues, but don’t give us a shooting solution, nor do they address the main point. They don’t give a statement of certainty indicating to the individual and to the masses whether it is legal to protest and take main street to achieve their means, which more often than not end up in bitter resentment, pandemonium and more bloodshed.
Decisions determine destiny. We can’t be right by wrongdoing, and we can’t be wrong engaged in righteousness. It is our duty to God and to man. In probate law, only when the testator is dead, the testament is in effect or in full force.  In nature’s pattern, before a seed falls on fertile ground, it bears no fruit. Thus, when seeking for redress of grievances, most people are unaware of the way constitutional law works for better or for worst just by the effects of natural law, by the laws of nature, by jurisprudence or even by direct sanction from the Living God.  By solemn oaths and affirmations, constitutional law is effectually grounded and in full force, binding our souls to the laws we’ve sworn to defend and to uphold.  We must persistently petition at all levels, as individuals or small groups, standing in our own ground writing liens and formal letters.  Government entities placed over us as judges, governors, legislator and presidents can’t ignore us forever without prevaricating.  And even if they ignore us for a while, God will not, for even He would cease to be God or the law will cease to be law, which is not feasible.  We should penitently, formally and persistently use law and order to our advantage, because the law is good if it is used properly.  
As a fearful and faithful priest in good standing before God, angels and these witnesses; and fully endowed and armed with light and truth even to the teeth, I can make war in righteousness. Proficiently knowledgeable in the laws, statutes and judgements of higher or divine law, I have no need to break the laws of man unless I fall in entrapment. But, in the shoes of the oppressed and of the offenders, I testify that under the all seeing eye, my professors and I have recently conducted three double blind random experiments with lower institutional bylaws by protesting efficiently, and the process worked as expected for better or for worst each and every time.   Therefore, if any and all who chose or is duped to riot and occupy the streets, they do it at their own risk and peril. And be it know that in most cases, the law and those who rightfully enforce it, even to our regret, will more lightly be absolved and justified because without law and order, there can be no freedom.
I may be flunked by my cat minded professor by my writing style, and because sons of Black Lives Matter like me and Juan Thomson stink like red herring for refusing to be institutionalized and to be corrupted for not learning MLS style or Money Laundering Stratagem Writing. She, my professor can make my authority and God’s authority irrelevant and accuse me of plagiarism as she did with EL Niño OC3 Essay which fell from the sky. I’d rather kick agsint the pricks and fear God more than man.  

 If you love my column you can call me Miguel Archangel Tinoco Rod-Tree-Jesse. If you hate it, for you I am Djatt Mahdi Mohammad Atta-Tin. My friends call me El Che Frank Ernest Gue-Vara Sin-Atra, because I do things my way.  To my enemies I am, The Grave Yard Digger, because after they are dead and buried by their own device, I will dig their graves, debrief them by drinking from their skull and put them to sleep softly again, so I can write their tales from the bottomless pit of my brain. 

To My friend Kelsey
Yours Truly and Most Attentively
From an unworthy servant in the hands of Christ.

Caliph Muhammad Imam MahdiCaliph Muhammad Mahdi Atta-Tin

From Mecca Temple Mount

Works Cited

Andrews, Kenneth T., Kraig Beyerlein, and Tuneka Tucker Farnum "The legitimacy of protest: explaining white Southerners' attitudes toward the civil rights movement." Social Forces 94.3 (2016): 1021+. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 11 July 2016
Thompson, Juan. "Americans Must Continue Protesting Police Brutality." Police Brutality. Ed. Michael Ruth. Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press, 2016. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from "Don't Stop the Protests Against Police Brutality—Black Lives Still Matter." 2014. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 11 July 2016.
Wang, Dan J., and Alessandro Piazza. "The use of disruptive tactics in protest as a trade-off: the role of social movement claims." Social Forces 94.4 (2016): 1675+. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 11 July 2016.

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